Reduce Inflammation with Zone Diet
posted on Jun 13, 2017 3:16PM
The zone diet was introduced and promoted by Dr. Barry Sears, to counter-attack the diet induced inflammation. The Zone Diet will help you shed excess pounds, dramatically reduce your risk of chronic disease, and improve your mental and physical performance while living a longer more fulfilling life. Though it is not a mainstream weight loss diet plan, it is considerable good at this but best at reducing inflammation. This diet emphasizes on the fact that genetic make-up cannot be altered but their expression can be regulated, thus maintaining a healthy status.
The diet plan includes: 1 part of fats which includes monounsaturated fats like, olive oil, avocados or almonds; 2 parts of low fat proteins like, fish, lean meat like chicken, lean beef or egg whites. And 3 parts of carbohydrates add in colorful vegetable and some fruits, but avoid consumption of high sugar fruits like bananas, grapes, carrots and raisins, also highly starchy foods like potatoes and corn.
The advantages of this diet plan are:
This diet is very big on helping you to control your insulin and the rate at which carbohydrates are used by the body, without restricting the carbohydrate intake much, good one for Diabetic persons too
In this diet your tend to reduce the portion size as, protein and fats both induce satiety,losing excess body fat at fastest possible rate. Maintaining wellness for long durations, betterment of performance and faster thinking.
Slows down the rate of ageing
None of the diet plans are foolproof, this too has some drawbacks: It is burdensome to planning and count the calories and balance the quantities. As the carbohydrate content is about 60% considerably less than other diet plan thus reducing the endurance of athletes and those who indulge in high intensity workouts. Lastly is quite cumbersome to keep up with the diet as we require to take small meals at regular intervals which may not easy to follow!
It is good plan for those are willing to put in the effort, if you are person on the go then it might not be a good choice!
-Koya Satyasri