is a Telugu language & entertainment portal with a plethora of features like News, Cinema/Movies, Celeb photos, Videos, Full length movies, Web Radio, Kids Zone, e-Library, Bhakti/Devotional, Vinodam/Comedy, Sarasam/Romance, Shopping, NRI Corner, Charity with Corporate office in India while the support, maintenance & development is operated from Texas, USA.
Since then it has expanded into various branches TeluguOne TV, Teluguone Radio on Internet(TORi), Teluguone Gift Shop, and TeluguOne Foundation.
Over the years the portal has gained immense popularity and patronage of people in India as well as abroad. It has a reach to over 172 countries across the globe and been adjudged as the largest Telugu language portal in the world. is considered a bridge connecting widely scattered Telugu NRI community throughout the World to their motherland. with its independent editorial team and support of in-house technical team is successfully conserving and propagating Telugu language, our traditions, culture among the Indian and NRI future generations.
HR Manager : Bianca S Etoria.
Contributors: : Permanent Editorial Staff, Content Developers, Freelance Writers, Film directorsz, video crew, technical teams, social media teams & Journalists.
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