National Award-winning Tamil filmmaker Sudha Kongara collaborated with Suriya in 2020 for the film Soorarai Pottru. The movie is a partial biopic of Air Deccan founder G.R. Gopinath. It fetched solid critical acclaim.
For the last few months, there has been a lot of chatter about the actor’s collaboration with Sudha Kongara. Here is the big news for Suriya fans. Sudha Kongara will be directing the 43rd film of Suriya, and it is tentatively titled Suriya43.
The icing on the cake is talented actors Dulquer Salmaan, Nazriya Fahadh, and Vijay Varma are part of this prestigious project. The team revealed a motion poster that shows a few people protesting.
Suriya43 marks the 100th project of the music director GV Prakash Kumar. 2D Entertainments Pvt. Ltd will be producing the film. Suriya tweeted that the entire team is very excited about the movie. It looks like we are in for an emotional ride yet again.