The Vijay Deverakonda's upcoming film under the banner of Sri Venkateswara Creations' shoot progressing at a fast pace. Mrunal Thakur of Sita Ramam fame is playing the female lead. This is SVC's 54th film. Director Parasuram Petla is at the helm of this project, crafting a compelling family entertainer that is bound to captivate audiences.
Family Star is the title locked for this family entertainer. Recently released title teaser is both massy and classy, and it's raises the hype. The teaser was trending on social media for obvious reasons but today it reaches next level with a special trend on dialogue.
The dialogue #AIRANEVONCHALAENTI while Vijay showcasing his massy avatar bending the Iron is now trending. The trolls and memes reached hero and production house and it turned into solid promotion when they reacted positively.
The hashtag is now trending at top position on X (formerly known as twitter). Vijay Deverakonda is intelligent enough to encash even trolls about him. Now a troll #AIRANEVONCHALAENTI has suddenly turned into a promotion for Family Star.
Mrunal Thakur is playing the female lead. The movie is bankrolled by ace producer Dilraju and Shirish. The music will be composed by Gopisunder. The film is releasing in theatres for the Sankranthi 2024.