PAN India star Prabhas is gearing up to entertain the audiences with the action drama Salaar. Prashanth Neel donned the director’s hat for this flick, which was made on a staggering budget. There are sky-high expectations around the project all over.
The latest buzz in the film circles is that the Telugu states’ rights of this big-ticket film were sold in the range of 170-175 crores. Nizam rights were said to be sold in the range of 60-65 crores. Ceded rights fetched 27 crores for the makers, while the Andhra rights were sold in the 80-85 crores range, as per a few reports.
If these reports turn out to be true, then Salaar must perform exceptionally well to cover its costs. The movie will clash with SRK’s Dunki at the box office. Let’s see which film gets the better of the other.