Chiyan Vikram's most awaited film Thangalaa is directed by Pa Ranjith, a revultionary filmmaker. Parvathy and Malavika Mohanan are playing the heroines. The film is being made as a periodical action drama based on real events in the background of Kolar Gold Fields.
KE Gnanavel Raja is producing under the banner of prestigious production company Studio Green in association with Pa Ranjith Neelam Productions. The movie team has announced that they are going to release the teaser of Thangalaan on November 1st.
The film's shoot has been completed and it is currently undergoing post-production. Soon, preparations are being made to release Thangalaan in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Kannada along with Hindi on a pan-India level. With this movie, Chiyaan Vikram is going to surprise with his performance in a raw and rustic character.