Jagan Statement Baffles His Loyalist MLAs

jagan mohan reddy mlas, jagan camp mlas resignations, jagan mohan reddy delhi trip, jagan mlas resignation, mlas resigned in jagan support, jagan announcement delhi, jagan support upaJagan Mohan Reddy's recent pronouncements in Delhi have confused his loyalist MLAs who submitted resignations. Sources said the Kadapa MP's statement that he is not averse to supporting the UPA Govt has caused consternation among the MLAs who have staked their political future by supporting him.

According to sources, it Jagan's aides who have drawn these MLAs in to the mess they are now. In the immediate aftermath of the naming of Y S Rajasekhara Reddy in CBI's FIR in the Jagan wealth case, they conveyed to Jagan camp MLAs that it was the wish of the leader that they resign in protest. This signal was conveyed at a time when Jaganmohan Reddy was incommunicado during his Odarpu Yatra in Krishna district. But 29 MLAs went ahead and put in their papers.

However, when communications restored, Jagan told the MLAs that he hadn't given any instructions to resign, so it may be construed that they have resigned out of their own will. Sources said the MLAs were taken aback when their leader told them that if any of them had second thoughts about quitting, they were free to go back to the speaker and withdraw their papers.
Having gone too far in making their protest felt, the MLAs didn't have anything else other than await the verdict of the Speaker on their resignations.