Coping with a loss and moving on in Life


The loss or separation of a spouse can be one of the most difficult tasks for a human being to tide through and coping with that loss is another journey by itself. When the absence of a person who has been with your for a long time it is then that one will remember and appreciate the value h/she has in your life. As they say time only can heal the wounds and pain of a loss of a spouse.

Accept your grief: The first thing is the acceptance of your grief. Negating it and trying to escape from the sorrow may lead to depression and anxiety. Manage the situation and get over the fact that your spouse is gone.

Family support: Indian families which are by large still close knitted families are a great support system. Your folks can help you tide over the tough times and they can offer you all the support and love you need. If not you could seek the support of your close friends to help you cope with the loss.

Personal memories: The personal belongings like clothes books and other artifacts which remind you of the lost one are a painful reminder of the loved one. Store a few that you cherish most and slowly take your own time in disposing of the clothes, books and other things.

Activities: Focus on hobbies such as gardening, painting and any other activity that makes you focus and take your thought off the loss. If you are working that makes it a little easier as you can focus on getting back to work concentrate on your official work.

Children: Spend time with your children and talk to them and help them understand that it’s a permanent loss, if they are young. Get busy with their school activities and help them resume their regular routine. This way you can pick yourself up and move on in life. If the children are grown up and you have to move in with them, you could find time out and make new friends in that locality and also find time to do things which you didn't do before.

The heartache will be there for a longtime and one can find their own way out to help themselves cope with the loss and as time flies its only the memories that stay.


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