Foods That Cause Cancer

Cancer is not new to mankind. But most of the earlier cases used to be a result of inherited genes. Now, with a drastic change in our lifestyle and environment... 90% of the cases are being reported due to unhealthy living. This is the reason why organisations like WHO is worried that Cancer could be a major cause of deaths in future. 


Microwave Popcorn

After the controversy over Noodles, most of the Indians have adopted microwave popcorn as their homely fast food. But none of them are aware that these kinds of Popcorns might contain perfluorooctanoic acid which is a potential carcinogen. Further the artificial butter spread over such popcorn contains Diacetyl which is toxic for our lungs.



Refined Sugar

Cancer cells love a body filled with carbohydrates and refined sugar could be the best source for them. Now a day, sugar is being obtained from Genetically Modified crops. Further, it is processed to such an extent that you may find more chemicals than food in a grain of sugar.


Hydrogenated Oils

The process of adding Hydrogen to cooking oils is known as hydrogenation. Such Hydrogenated oils could match the requirements of manufactures, but could result in Transfats. It is no secret that such oils could alter the cell membranes and thereby leads to cancer. So it’s good to prefer foods which are manufactured with ‘Edible Vegetable oils’ or at least those which declare ‘No Transfats’.


Potato chips

Potato chips might be yummy and crunchy. But they can be potential carcinogens as well. There are lot of factors that lead to a conclusion that Potato Chips are harmful. 1- They are fried in hydrogenated oils and may contain Transfats. 2- They contain a lot of sodium which can heavily alter our blood pressure levels. 3- A harmful chemical known as Acrylamide gets released during the process of frying them. 4- Potato chips are abundant in carbohydrates and fats.


White Flour

White Flour is the utmost refined part of wheat grains. It has nothing left in it except the carbohydrates. Such flour has a high level of glycemic index, which means that the carbohydrates in it are immediately converted into sugar when consumed. Further the bleaching process induces harmful chemicals to make it appear white. And remember! There isn’t any fibre left in it, making it harder to digest.


Well! The above list isn’t exclusive. There are various foods like carbonated beverages, canned foods, grilled meat, French fries, artificial sweeteners... that could all be potential carcinogens. And you can find something common amongst them! They aren’t a part of our traditional foods!


- Nirjara.