Anti-inflammatory drugs treat Alzheimer’s
posted on Aug 29, 2016 11:57AM
A commonly used Non- Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug may successfully treat the Alzheimer’s disease. The drug “Mefenamic acid” is basically used for period pain. It reverses the memory loss as well as the inflammation of brain.
Researchers from the Manchester University of UK performed a study on transgenic mice that are suffering from Alzheimer’s. Ten mice were treated with Mefenamic acid and ten were treated with Placebo. The drug was given to the mice that developed memory problems at the time of treatment by implanting a Mini-Pump under the skin for a month. It reversed the memory loss of the treated mice to the normal levels.
The drug had been shown to target the inflammatory path way for the first time. More studies are to be performed in order to identify the impact of the drug on human beings as well as the implications of it when the drug is used for a long term according to the researchers.
Brough, who is leading the researchers of the university said, “There is experimental evidence now to strongly suggest that inflammation in the brain makes Alzheimer’s disease worse. Our research shows for the first time that mefenamic acid, a simple Non – Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug can target an inflammatory pathway called the NLRP3 inflammasome, which damages brain cells. Until now, no drug has been available to target this pathway, so we are very excited by this result”.