Choose to See The World Through Greatful Eyes
posted on Jul 21, 2015 2:38PM

There may be moments in life when we realize how blessed wetruly are. Yet how many of us truly appreciate and be grateful for things in our life on a regular basis?
Very few of us indeed. We only spend thinking more of things when we don’t have them.
When we are not counting our blessings, we can fall into the trap of unintentionally counting negative things. We count negative things when we talk about things we don't have. We count negative things when we criticize or find fault with other people, when we complain about traffic, waiting in lines, delays, the government, the calamities, not enough money or the weather.
An entire sea of water cannot sink a ship unless it gets into the ship. Similarly negativity of world can't put you down unless you allow it to get inside of you.
But by counting our blessings every day, in a very literal way, we can become happier people. Research across the globe in countless studies has proven this over and over again.
Look at your own track record in different aspects. If you have survived so many situations till now in your life there is a higher chance that you are going to survive much more in future.
So, when was the last time YOU were truly grateful?
Think of all the wonderful things you have to be grateful for right now. It could be your family or your health. Maybe your home. Your friends. Your books. Your profession. Your brain. Your heart. Your spirit. Even your DVD collection etc.
When you are grateful, you don't blame yourself when you make a mistake. When you are grateful, you don't criticize yourself when you are not perfect. When you are grateful for being you, you are happy, and you will become a magnet to happy people, happy situations, and magical circumstances, which will surround you wherever you go and in whatever you do. When you can see the magic in that person in the mirror, your whole world will tend to change.
We have all got amazing things in our own lives that can make us
smile with joy. And if we can only learn to count these blessings every day, when we get up in the morning we will be able discover a true happiness and greater appreciation of the world we surround ourselves with.
Glow With Health Wellness Solutions