Young actor, Suhas is going through a superb phase in his career. The actor is now ready with his new film Ambajipeta Marriage Band. To be produced jointly by GA2 Pictures and director Venkatesh Maha's Maha Creations, the film is coming also under the banner of Swecha Creations' Dheeraj Mogilineni
The film is directed by newcomer Dushyanth Katikineni, the film's teaser released recently and it looks like Suhas is ready to entertain with another fun-filled ride. Makers began the musical promotions with the promo of first single titled Gumma. It received immense love from music lovers.
Today makers unveiled the full song and it's an instant addictive melody. The song was setup in a rural village and the makers captured the beauty along with magical love story between Suhas and Shivani.
Suhas impresses with his grace in simple dance moves. Sekhar Chandra gave a peppy beat to the song with his music and his voice brings the massy rural vibe. Rahman wrote the beautiful lyrics for the song.
The film is presented by Venkatesh Maha of 'Care Of Kancharapalem' and 'Uma Maheshwara Ugra Roopasya' fame. As it is also coming from the producers of hits like '100% Love', 'Bhale Bhale Mogadivoy', 'Geetha Govindam' and 'Most Eligible Bachelor', there is a curiosity factor related to this film.