Tsunami Warning in Hawaii

 Tsunami Hawai, Tsunami Warning in Hawaii , tsunami warning in hawaii 2012,   hawaii  Tsunami Warning


A Tsunami warning had been issued for Hawaii on Sunday. Hawaii is fairly exposed to waves which are usually generated by volcanic activity along the west coast of the Americas. The sight of tsunami warning sirens all over the place certainly hit home. A 5 magnitude quake occurred on the Big island causing the authorities to issue the alert. Who were due out on the water at that time and were quite worried. Thankfully nothing happened. Hilo is, unfortunately, quite prone to big waves. It happens to be on a section of the coast that is not only exposed to potential tsunami, it is at the focal point of a cove so the waves literally have to squeeze into a narrow. That makes them quite large and ferocious. Hilo has been hit many times over the centuries, most notably in 1946 when 161 people died. The devastated area has never been redeveloped and it's strange to see vast areas of grassland between the beach and the town itself. It is certainly glad to hear that, this time it amounted to nothing. The modern warning systems that exist now probably would have save a great number had it been a serious threat.Still the Indonesian tsunami and more recent events in Japan should remind us that even with the advantage of technology, we can still succumb to natures fury.