Health Benefits of Neem


Health benefits of neem juice:

1. Due to its anti-inflammatory ingredients, neem juice extract is best to get rid of acne or pimples. Neem juice also improves the complexion.

2. By drinking neem juice, the toxins from the system are flushed out. This improves the hair quality, skin complexion and digestion.

3. Neem juice is considered effective for diabetic patients. By having neem juice everyday, you control the sugar levels in the body.

4. Neem juice reduces vaginal pain during pregnancy. Many pregnant women massage with neem juice to get rid of labor pain.

Use of Neem Leaf for Dental Problems:

Dry Neem leaves in shade and grind to make powder. Use it to massage your gums to treat pyorrhoea. It will also strengthen the gums. You may add a pinch of clove powder and peppermint powder to make it more refreshing.