The itchy Eczema!!


Eczema is one of the most embarrassing and irritating medical condition, wherein the skin is inflamed and irritated. The most commonly form of eczema is atopic dermatitis, due to which we are genetically prone to allergies such as asthma, hay fever and other allergic conditions. This is condition usually affects infants more often than adults. The affected infants usually outgrow their eczema within a decade, while adults usually do not get rid of their eczema.


Eczema can affect any part of skin; eczema is almost always accompanied with itching. Itching usually precedes rashes, and these rashes usually appear over face, back of the knees, wrists, hands, or feet. It may also affect other areas as well. The affected areas are scaly, thickened and very dry. In fair-skinned individuals they appear as reddish and brownish patches, while in dark-skinned individual they present as pigmented patches.  Over scratching of the eczema can lead to infections and leave behind ugly scars.


The causes of eczema are not known, but are known to run in families like the allergic conditions like asthma or hay fever. Eczema usually co-exists with allergies or it can be because of defect in skin barriers which leads to loss of moisture and retention of germs. Usually affects, people who are in constant interaction with animal dander and pollen.


The treatment is usually staying away from the allergens, to find out the allergens the physician may perform a simple allergy test. Simple measures like body lotions and moisturizers used over the dampened skin right after bath can be very useful. 

--Koya Satyasri