Water- The nectar of life!
posted on Oct 24, 2015 11:19AM
Man can surive without food for a few weeks, but he can’t live without water for more than a week. In most of the cases, death would be a certainity within 3-5 days of living without water. Our body needs water for many reasons. It’s the main component in our blood which carries oxygen and nutrients, to all over the body. It retains the lubrication in our joints letting them to move freely. Most of us ignore the amount of water lost through evaporation. Too much of water gets excreted from our body through vapour and sweat. The daily requirement of water is to some extent compensated by the food we take. Food like fresh fruits and milk would certainly contribute to the water levels in our body. However experts advice to take atleast two litres of water everyday to let our body fulfilled with its liquid requirements.
Some of the effects of water that we often ignore would certainly let us be aware to intake enough water….
In obesity:
If you are in the habit of taking much of food than needed- water might do some trick. Having good amount of water, a half an hour before meals would let your stomach feel full. Moreover some people even get confused thirst with hunger. They eat food when they feel hungry. So when you are on a diet, drinking water often might drive you towards the goal of slimness.
For a glow:
Water improves moisture in the skin. Enough water in the blood cells would help in flushing out the toxins present in the blood, which would result in lesser acne. Plenty of water is suggested in any ailment that’s related to skin. People who has dry skin are advised to take much water to retain the elasticity and moisture in their skin.
Kidneys as we know purifies our blood and excretes the waste through urine. Plenty of water would ease them to work better. The condition of stones forming in kidneys, are often associated with drinking less water. That’s the reason why doctors give the advice of drinking much water, to the patients with stones in kidneys.
Tiredness is the first symptom of dehydration. Having enough water all through the day would keep us fresh. Our body gets dried out easily in cases of physical strain, which is the reason why athletes and labourers take plenty of water in intervals. Not drinking enough water after a physical workout might result anything from a normal muscle cramp to a stroke.
And a lots more…
Drinking plenty of water is found to be highly effective during the common cold and cough. Warm water is certainly known to dissolve the phelm in our throat. Taking water at enough intervals is known to retain a jubilant mood among us. As we know that our brain consists of more than 60 percent of water, having enough water would let it function better. Drinking adequate water would also help the digestion and secretion of the foods we take.
The benefits of water would certainly reiterate the need to have enough water regularly without any negligence. People often forget to drink enough water even in cases they feel thirsty due to stress in their work or sheer negligence to get up from the seat. So let’s take a bottle of water with us, whenever we move and wherever we work!
- Nirjara.