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We all like to go out on Weekends! No matter how tired we are after the busy week, though we long to take rest, we still want to go out and Shop, if not Hop around the parks, malls...

Oneday we are all tired of the same city, same mall...and Need a Change...why dont we prepare a TO-DO List of Pending projects at home, some Art work thats on your mind but you dnt have time to go shop for the supplies. some new Grocery store you wanted to visit. some home organisation supplies you need help of. Make a list of everything and anything you have been thinking of doing for a longtime and couldnot do....it can be even buying a new Vegetable or Fruit you never tried. a new room freshner you saw on TV and thought of trying.....You will like it or you will hate it, Atleast it will be OFF your Mind !!! You will get rid of the thought of "Why did i forget about it?" Do this and let me know if you liked being free of pending projects!!!

By the way, it need not be a Weekend process only, we can follow it everytime we dont have an Agenda to do something out...use your vehicle's petrol for better purpose or a Double Dhamaka kind of trip which gives you Fun and fulfilment of finishing your pending job.


- Prathyusha Talluri


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