Heard anyone in your circle with Calcium deficiency?


When it comes to bone health, calcium is the first thing that comes to anyone’s mind. Are you aware that a sizable population today suffers from calcium deficiency related issues? And, despite the fact that there are many plant based foods that have more calcium than milk, the only solution people are generally being offered, unfortunately, is a glass of milk and calcium supplements.

But despite this solution people continue to complain of calcium deficiency and most often osteoporosis kind of diseases are still not controlled. India which is reported to be high in milk / diary products consumption in that case should have very low calcium related health ailments reported. But the reality today is some thing else.

Pregnant women, lactating mothers, growing teens, those suffering from bone related diseases, middle aged people, senior citizens and those in their early thirties and even one year old babies - all have been reporting calcium deficiency!

So instead of just the milk intake, one should be worried about the diet and lifestyle changes that can minimize calcium loss and maximize its absorption.

As stated earlier there are plenty of calcium rich plant based foods such as all legumes, peas, lentils, leafy greens, tofu, Ragi, seeds like sesame or flax, etc. that can be included in daily diet.

Also Vitamin D plays an important role in calcium absorption and reducing urinary calcium losses via kidneys. Most people today find themselves deficient in this vitamin because of lack of proper exposure to sunlight. Many times, addressing the vitamin D deficiency solves problems like joint pain.

Unfortunately, no amount of fortification of foods can provide an adequate quantity of vitamin D, hence people need to depend on either sunlight or supplements.

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