Powerstar Pawan Kalyan was working with Sujeeth for a massive action drama OG backed by DVV Danayya under DVV Entertainment. The film’s shoot is currently on break as Pawan Kalyan was busy with Janasena political works.
The elections are over now and the results will be announced in June. Lot of rumours said that Pawan Kalyan is not planning to return to sets even after the elections. But, according to our latest reports, he will be back to sets very soon.
This project is highly anticipated by everyone and after the glimpse, the expectations reached to sky high. Now, director Sujeeth words about the film raised intrigue. The director revealed the backstory of the title. He said, "I got called to make a remake movie with Pawan Kalyan garu, but I wanted to make an original film. I've waited so long to make OG. OG - Ojhas Gambheera. Ojhas means the master and our Pawan Kalyan name is Gambheera in the film. He is a marshal Arts master (MONSTER) and the film has huge Japanese influence. They Call Him OG trailer cut is ready."
He added, “There is an Aikido and Krav Maga (martial arts) sequence in the movie. I have designed it based on my knowledge and available resources. But Kalyan Garu wanted to give his best. He contacted Aikido masters from Pune and Mumbai and had multiple practice sessions.”
Sujeeth added, “He also saw a few YouTube videos and discussed with me on how to go about it. With his inputs we redesigned the action block and shot it in three days. Earlier the plan was to wrap up in half day. If Kalyan Garu finds something interesting then there is no stopping him.”