Actor Karthi collaborates with his brother and actor Suriya for his 27th movie directed by C.Prem Kumar, who exhibited his directorial craftsmanship with his poignant film ’96’. Apart from helming this project, he has written the story, screenplay, and dialogues for this film. Jyotika and Suriya produce the movie on 2D Entertainment with Rajsekar Karpoorasundarapandian co–producing it.
The film tentatively titled ‘Karthi 27’ has been creating a huge buzz in the industry. The makers unveiled the title and first look of the movie. Titled ‘Meiyazhagan’, the first look unveiled on Karthi’s birthday has received an overwhelming response from fans and audiences. Arvind Swamy also plays a significant lead role in the film.
The first look poster showed the amicable bond between Karthi and Arvind Swamy. While Arvind Swamy rides a bicycle, Karthi is seen sitting behind and giving a pose like a child.
The film stars a talented ensemble cast including Rajkiran, Sri Divya, Swathi Konde, Devadarshini, Jayaprakash, Sri Ranjani, Ilavarasu, Karunakaran, Saran, Rachel Rebecca, Anthony, Rajkumar, Indumati, Rani Samyukta, Kayal Subramani, Ashok Pandian, and others.
Govind Vasantha, who delivered unfading melodic hits for the film ’96’ is collaborating with C.Prem Kumar for this film again.
The film has been shot across the exquisite locales of Kumbakonam and Sivagangai. Currently, the editing and post-production works are briskly nearing completion