Pan India star Prabhas commented that he is curious to know how fans will react after seeing the 'Adipurush' teaser in 3D. In the film 'Adipurush,' he portrayed Lord Rama. The movie's teaser was recently released. On Thursday, the teaser was shown to the media in Hyderabad. Prabhas requested a review from the press and stated that he believes fans will enjoy watching it in 3D.
Prabhas's Speech at the Adipurush 3D Teaser event, "For fans, we're screening the 'Adipurush' teaser in 3D in 60 theatres." Because they are my support system! They should see first. "We need to know how they are feeling," Prabhas said. The teaser will be enjoyed by all fans who see it in theatres. Not only that, but we'll have bang on content in a few weeks," he added.
"I felt like a child when I saw the 'Adipurush' teaser in First Time 3D." It was a fantastic feeling for me. "I was overjoyed to see the visuals and the animals on my face," Prabhas said. He claims that this is the first time such technology has been used in an Indian film. He stated that such a thing had never been done before, and that the film was made for the big screen.