The latest film starring Megastar Chiranjeevi is titled 'Godfather.' The film's box office rampage continues. On the second day, the 'Godfather' collection is strong. 'Godfather,' which was released on the occasion of Vijaya Dashami, received rave reviews on its first day.
Mega fans rejoiced, declaring, 'Boss is back.' On its first day, the film 'Godfather' grossed Rs 38 crores worldwide. The film made 31 crores on its second day, with only a 30% drop. First-day collections are typically high. It collects half of day 1 on the second day.
That was not the case with 'Godfather.' Collections were also strong on the second day. The film grossed Rs 69 crore globally. The film will enter the 100 crore club by the end of the weekend.
The film 'The Godfather' was also released in Hindi. According to reports, the first day gross was three and a half crore rupees. On the second day, there is a chance of a slight increase. It could double from now. Because the number of theatres will increase.