Megastar Chiranjeevi, who faced an unforgettable disaster with the film "Acharya," returns to the big screen with "God Father." However, with the failure of Acharya's film, the buzz surrounding "Godfather" has diminished significantly.
This film, directed by Mohan Raja, is a remake of the Malayalam superhit "Lucifer." The film is set to hit theatres on October 5. However, there is little buzz surrounding this film. On the other hand, they are still attempting to lock the film's theatrical rights.
Recently, because the distributors refused to agree, the filmmakers were forced to take a complete risk. On the one hand, the buzz surrounding the film is very low; on the other hand, the film's producers, Super Good Films, are not actively promoting it.
For this film, NV Prasad and RB Chaudhary must take a financial risk. And if the film is a success, both the producers and the distributors will profit. However, if the film receives negative talk, the producers suffer more than the distributors. And we will have to wait and see what the outcome of this film will be.