The upcoming Telugu horror thriller 'Pindam' is slated to release in theatres worldwide on December 15. Directed by Saikiran Daida, the film features Srikanth Sriram, Kushee Ravi, Srinivas Avasarala, Easwari Rao, Ravi Varma. Other cast members include Manik Reddy, Baby Chaitra, Baby Leisha, Vijayalakshmi and Srilatha in crucial roles.
The movie is produced by Yeshwanth Daggumati and co-produced by Prabu Raja. The story is written by Saikiran Daida, Kavi Siddhartha and Toby Osborne. Actor-director-writer Srinivas Avasarala, who played a crucial character in Pindam, interacted with the print/web journalists on Wednesday. Here are the excerpts from the interview.
Talking about director, he said "When director Sai Kiran narrated me the story, I also happened to watch his work 'Smoke'. I felt the short film has an unexpected twist in the end which I didn't expect. Thus I felt writer-director Sai Kiran has the talent to hold the viewers' attention."
Talking about title, he said "I didn't give any suggestion. But when I heard the narration for the first time and when the director told me that the title is 'Pindam'. I shot back at him saying I have an issue with the title. Basically, the story is about the death of an unborn child. How a girl child transforms into a wandering spirit -- is what the story is about."
Talking about his character, he said "I play Loknath who investigates and researches on super-natural beings. He happens to meet Eshwari Rao, who is an expert in the subject. How the events occur in the process and what is in store for the lead protagonist. The story sets in three different timelines."
Talking about his inputs as writer & director, he said "More than giving my inputs on the film sets, I would always want to learn from others. Everyone has their own style of narrating a story. I happened to watch and learn on the sets of Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja's upcoming film 'Eagle'. It was a good learning experience watching how the dialogues in big-budget film are written and executed."