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Updated : May 3, 2023

This Controversial film banned in Tamilnadu?

It is known how big "The Kashmir Files" became which was released few years back. Along with this hit, the whole country has become a hot topic and controversial many times.


With this, after this film, another similar film "The Kerala Story" has stirred up controversy on a large scale recently. However, after the trailer of this film, lot of negativity and controversy is rising, and now there are large scale objections regarding the release of this film.


And the latest is that there is a possibility of banning this film in Tamil Nadu. The State Intelligence has suggested that this film should not be released in Tamil Nadu. This means that the release of this film is not in Tamil Nadu.


The makers have announced that this film will be released on May 5 at the Pan India level. The film stars Adah Sharma and others in key roles and is directed by Sudipto Sen.

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