Telugu sensation Sree Leela has quickly ascended to stardom, now commanding substantial fees for her upcoming projects. She is poised to make her Bollywood debut soon, reportedly in talks to star as the leading lady opposite Saif Ali Khan’s son, Ibrahim Ali Khan, in the film titled "Diler."
"Diler," produced by Maddock Films, is described as an intense love story. The filming is set to commence in August 2024, with an official announcement expected shortly. The romantic entertainer will be directed by Kunal Deshmukh, known for "Jannat," and is slated for release next year.
Now, the actress signed another entertainer in Bollywood. Varun Dhawan is playing the lead in the film. While, Mrunal Thakur is also playing an important role. Looks like Sree Leela is planning to settle with Bollywood offers.
After a busy 2023, Sree Leela took a well-deserved break but will soon be back on set for Ravi Teja’s 75th film, directed by Bhanu Bhogavarapu. Produced by Sithara Entertainments, this film is targeted for a Sankranthi 2025 release. This marks the second collaboration between Sree Leela and Ravi Teja, following their hit film "Dhamaka."