Malayalam star Prithviraj Sukumaran's movie "The Goat Life" is released in Malayalam, along with Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, and Kannada languages on March 28th and received good success. Based on Benjamin's novel "Goat Days," the film is directed by award-winning director Blessy and produced by Visual Romance banner as a prestigious project in the Malayalam film industry.
Prithviraj Sukumaran is one of the best actor and dedicated too. He gave his life for the Najeeb role. He travelled with the film for 16 years. Prithviraj’s efforts are getting paid off as the movie became the fastest 100 crore grosser in Mollywood history.
The film collected almost 150 crores in its theatrical run. Even though, the film didn't get the deserved appreciattion in Telugu, it collected well in other languages.
Now, the latest we hear is that the film will be available for streaming in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi and Kannada from May 26th.