‘HanuMan’, starring Teja Sajja, was directed by Prasanth Varma, who took viewers by surprise in January 2024. The movie was a huge hit in Telugu and Hindi, and there is a lot of talk about the sequel, ‘Jai HanuMan’. Although it's still a work in progress, the reports are doing the rounds on the internet that Prasanth Varma and Ranveer Singh are making a massively budgeted period film.
Ranveer Singh, Prasanth Varma and Mythri Movie Makers are confirmed to team up for a film soon. It will be the immediate film in Prasanth Varma's cinematic universe and will got onto the floors even before Jai Hanuman.
Sources say, "Ranveer Singh is a big fan of Prasanth Varma's work and met him right after the release of ‘HanuMan’. The director has been in talks with the actor for a big-budget film for the last three months. They have met multiple times and continue to be in discussions. Ranveer is sold on the idea and acknowledges the fact that it’s a very ambitious project. It’s a yes from Ranveer for the film in principle and the team is now figuring on other modalities to get things started."