The 100% Telugu OTT platform aha continues to delight movie lovers by keeping its promise of streaming one blockbuster after another every week. Now, Navdeep's latest film, "Love, Mouli," a new-age youthful drama, is coming to OTT. Directed by Avaneendra and produced by Nyra Creations and Srikara Studios under the banner of CSpace, this film is set to make waves.
"Love, Mouli" was released in theaters on June 7th and has been praised as a brave attempt in today's cinematic landscape. The film offers an intense love story with a purpose, standing out in its genre. Navdeep delivers his career-best performance, successfully reinventing himself as his 2.0 version, and his commitment to the role is evident throughout the film. This movie is perfect for audiences who crave good cinema and are looking for something fresh and impactful.
Don't miss the chance to experience this captivating cinematic journey. Tune in to aha on June 27th to watch "Love, Mouli" and enjoy an exceptional piece of filmmaking.