Hero Nara Rohit who is making his comeback to films with Prathinidhi 2 announced his landmark 20th film. Venkatesh Nimmalapudi is making his directorial debut with the movie to be produced by Santhosh Chinnapolla, Gowtham Reddy, and Rakesh Mahankalli under the banner of Sandeep Picture Palace (SPP).
#NaraRohit20 is going to be a fun-filled rom-com packed with many colorful nuances that will be relatable to every individual. The movie has been launched yesterday with a grand pooja ceremony.
Santosh Chinnapolla, Gautam Reddy, Rakesh Mahankali, and Vijay Krishna handed over the script to the makers. While Pradeesh M Varma switched on the camera, Gautham Reddy sounded the clapboard for the muhurtham shot. Vijay Krishna did the honorary direction for the first shot. The regular shoot also commenced yesterday.
We have learnt that the film titled as "Sundara Kaanda", a pakka Telugu title. Vriti Vaghani is the lead actress, while Sri Devi Vijay Kumar, Naresh Vijaya Krishna and Vasuki Anand will play crucial roles.
Coming to the technical team, a young and promising team will handle different crafts. The cinematography is helmed by Pradeep M Varma, while Leon James provides the music. Sundeep is the executive producer of the movie, while Rajesh Pentakota is the art director.