Macho Star Gopichand and director Sriwass joined forces for the third time after two blockbusters Lakshyam and Loukyam for Rama Banam, which is set to hit cinemas this Friday. Ahead of the film's release, the team is busy with the promotional activities. On this occasion, veteran actor Jagapathi Babu, who played a prominent role in the movie interacted with media and shared interesting things about the film and personal life.
Answering what made him choose this film. He said "If we look at the movies being made nowadays, they are mostly related to horror, thriller, and action genres. It’s been a long time since a family drama film was released in Tollywood. Gopichand, Sriwass, and I worked together on Lakshyam, and Rama Banam is also about brothers and their relationship. So, I immediately agreed to act in this movie after the narration."
Talking about his character in Rama Banam, he said "I have done more than 70 supporting roles, but only 7 or 8 among them are remarkable. My character in Rama Banam is very important, and it is a positive role. Thanks to Gopichand for the belief that both our characters are crucial for Rama Banam. You can witness it in the climax of the film. I feel that the current generation needs these kinds of sentimental stories."
Sharing about his working experience with Khushbu. He said "We have been friends since childhood, but we have never acted together in any film. For the first time, we shared screen space in this movie and she is a comfortable artist. I hope to work with her again."
Talking about director Sriwass, he said "He came up with a wonderful story, and he filmed it impressively. He is a great director and works hard until he gets what he wants. As Lakshyam was successful, he again wanted to tell a story about brothers and their emotions positively."
Talking about the producers, he said "People Media Factory producers are the most kind businessmans. This is one of the best production houses I have worked with in recent times. They know what a film needs and they know what to arrange for it. My next film is also their production."
Sharing his upcoming projects, he said "My next film with People Media Factory will be released soon, and I am also doing different roles in various biggies. I am glad that I am also getting good offers from Bollywood. I would like to play a Godfather-like role and also want to essay a role that outshines my role in Gayam. I also have a 12 hours content on my life story for which I need a good director to handle."