Sensible director Srikanth Addala initially made soft and family entertainers. However, he surprised one and all with his superb taking for Naarappa. He has now shifted gears for his latest flick Peddha Kapu-1 with Miryala Ravinder Reddy.
This new-age political drama features debutant Virat Karrna playing the lead. The film released on September 29th in theatres. The film was disaster at box office with poor reviews and over budget.
It is known that Amazon Prime bought the digital streaming rights of this political entertainer for good amount. Now this film is available for streaming on Prime for free. Audience who missed it in theatres can watch in homes.
Miryala Sathyanarayana Reddy presents the movie, while Marthand K Venkatesh is the editor. India's leading action director Peter Heins supervises fights and Raju Sundaram is the choreographer. Mickey J Meyer scored music.