The blockbuster director Atlee, who scored massive hit with Jawan starring Shah Rukh Khan in Bollywood is now getting to direct another Bollywood star Salman Khan. Recently, Atlee narrated a story to Salman Khan. He got a nod from the actor and this project will begin in 2024.
We've already reported that this is the same project shelved with Allu Arjun, because there will be another hero sharing screen space. As per Bollywood Hungama, Atlee is in talks with Superstar Rajinikanth to collaborate on this duel hero subject.
Salman Khan has been almost confirmed as another lead actor. If, this happens then this is going to be one the biggest collaborations in Indian cinema. The sensation it will create in both North and South is unprecedented.
Sun Pictures will announce this banger news officially very soon. Anirudh Ravichander will take on the role of music composer for this yet-to-be-officially-announced film.