The movie "Aarambham," featuring Mohan Bhagath, Supritha Satyanarayan, Bhushan Kalyan, and Ravindra Vijay in pivotal roles, is being produced by Abhishek Viti under the banner of AVT Entertainment and directed by Ajay Nag V.
"Aarambham," a film touted as a distinctive thriller trailer was released today during a launch event, presenting a captivating narrative. The trailer opens with the scene of a convict vanishing from jail, leaving no clues behind. This mysterious escape is being probed by a special office, drawing widespread interest.
The trailer showcases the visuals of investigation and the story of escaped convict with his mother and love and also a scientist who inspired him. Packed with mysterious elements, compelling storylines and powerful performers, the film promises a seat edge thriller.
With the absorbing story, rich visuals and a powerful soundtrack, is all set to deliver a gripping experience, enriched with mythological elements. The intertwining plotlines enhance the suspense and anticipation surrounding this thrilling movie.
The movie team is planning to release "Aarambham" in theaters on May 10th. Srinjith Yerramilli is the music director while Devdeep Gandhi Kundu is handling the cinematography.