Kandipappu Rasam
Author : Teluguone
Preparation Time : 15 Mins
Cooking Time : 15 Mins
Yield : 4
4.0 Stars based on 291 : Reviews
Published On : August 16, 2011
Recipe Category : Vegetarian
Recipe Type : Main Dish
Total Time : 30 MIns
Ingredient : Kandipappu Rasam

Easy instructions to prepare kandipapu rasam

Recipe of Kandipappu Rasam

Kandipappu Rasam

Directions | How to make  Kandipappu Rasam



Kandipappu Rasam



Ingredients :

1/2 cup of Red gram Dal

2tsp grated coconut

2 tomatoes

Salt to taste

Seasoning: 2 tsp coriander seeds

1 tsp black peppers

Gram Tamarind juice

Curry leaves

1 tsp Red gram dal

Mustard seeds

Cumin Seeds

2-3 red chillies


Method :

Boil Red Gram dal in a pressure cooker. Then add chop tomatoes, 2 cups of water, salt, sambar powder, tamarind juice and let it boil until the raw smell of tamarind is gone.

Take a small vessel and put ghee and let it heat, then all the seasoning ingredients, once it turn in a brown color add grated coconut at last. And Grind it.

Add the grated paste to the cooked red gram dal and let it boil for 2 to 3 minutes, and serve with hot rice.