Mushroom Poppers for the Party
(new year special)

You might have tried Mirchi bajjis, Pakoras, Cheese balls, Egg bondas etc as appetizers in the menu for a new year party in the past...this year, why not bring Mushrooms into picture...many think they are Non-Vegetarian kind of, but no strong source to prove. they come power packed with Vitamin D, Potassium, Niacin, and other nutrients useful to human bodies.
Items needed:
To make 10-12 stuffed mushrooms
* 12 whole Mushrooms with stems removed
* Chopped mushroom stems
* Chopped 3 medium onions
* Garlic cloves for flavor
* Shahi jeera and saunf seeds for tempering
* Salt and red chilli powder to taste
* Coriander leaves for garnishing
* Chopped 1 Green, 1 Red large size capsicum ( bell peppers)
In a wide pan, heat oil on medium flame and saute shahi jeera and saunf seeds till they crackle mildly, then add minced garlic, saute till slightly brown. Add chopped onion pieces and fry till golden brown. Its the turn of capsicum pieces now. Fry all till they are well cooked. Add the chopped mushroom stems and fry well. Add salt to taste and bring in red chillipowder too. (If you dont prefer chilli powder, black pepper powder is the best alternative to taste. ) garnish with chopped coriander leaves. Now stuff the whole mushrooms with the earlier fried mixture, drizzle the mushrooms with oil, sprinkle salt on the edges and bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. These Mushroom Poppers are a healthy and tasty touch to your new year.