Never marry a

latest collection humorous never get married jokes and funny quotes


Never  marry  a

Never  marry  a Testing girl since she always doubts U.
Never  marry  a DATABASE girl since she always wants her husband to be a UNIQUE key.
Never  marry  a C girl because she always have a tendency to BREAK the things and EXIT from house.
Never  marry  a C++ girl as u may encounter some problems in INHERITANCE.
Never  marry  a JAVA girl since she always throws EXCEPTIONS.
Never  marry  a VB girl since she has divorce FORM with her always.
Never  marry   a UNIX girl ,she always dump u with a core.
Never  marry  a PASCAL girl ,she always scolds u as rascal.
Never  marry  a COBOL girl since she may be very good in DIVISION of families.
Never  marry  a NETWORK girl since she may be very
good in shooting troubles