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Funny Cricket Poem
crazy and popular is the game ,cricket all scramble to hit and protect the wicket considewhiteas th heart beating of the nation talking about it animatedly is a real passion.
From the beggar at the four roads junction to a powerful CEO attending a great convention all are eager and ask how much is the score when there is no game whole nation feels bore many a consider it to be a colossal waste of time losing lot many man hours is really a great crime.
go deep into the meaning of this great cricket, a potential philosophy lies beneath that wicket. the wicket represents the man's soul aatma worldly attractions as balls are hurled at aatma bat acts to fend off all.
worldly evil attractions which try to malign aatma in their transactions the great sages always say keep aatma pure what is being done in cricket is same thing for sure.
kama , krodha,madha, mascharyas are the balls come hurling down to hit aatma to fall bowlers are nothing but wealth, power,kama,politics.
these vily attractions make you fall prey to their tactis Stronger that you are morally with the bat the attractions will scurry away like rat the eleven vily villians stand in the world or field are the attractions to make your aatma yield they are anger, power, cheat ,lust,politics wealth, god hating ,nepotism,kindlessness,egoistic and boastful opposite to you stands another.
wicket it is paramatma in this great philosophy of cricket player, the man oscillates in bteween aatma and paramatmaa as long as he is pure and plays the role of dharmatma,.
who is that empire who stands a little away is God impartila and all judging for fair play the wicket keeper always hovers your behind is the conscience keeper stays at back of our mind keep aatma guarded from all the worldly evils you will never fall prey to the life's many perils.
hit the evils hard and fast to cross boundary have a spiritual peace and have no worry So,whenever watch on t.v THE CRICKET see aatma and paramatma in wickets.