How much to drink


Our bodies yearn for pure, clean water. Everyone is concerned about how much to drink per day. To determine how much water our body needs, take your body weight in pounds and divide the number by two. That's the number of Ounces we need to drink per day to stay fit. The same principle holds true for a child, unless he or she is an infant, except if the pediatrician recommends. 

If you are an average-sized adult, this is how you should calculate the amount of water to consume in a normal day. On a summer day, you will need and will consume more. The total amount of water includes the milk, juices, buttermilk, green tea that we consume in a day. For Children, it will be comparatively less, based on their body weight. And they don't need to consume water directly, it can be in the form of watery-veggies like cucumber, celery, lettuce, and fruits like watermelon, oranges, grapes....We may not imagine but there are some more fruits and vegetables that are high in water content, Bananas are 70 percent water, apples are 80 percent, tomatoes and watermelons are more than 90 percent water, and lettuce is 95 percent.