Spirituality at Work



Most of us today spend a lot of time in our workplaces than anywhere else. We bring with us our set of values, principles, attitudes and fears too. The fear is of being able to succeed in our given tasks, of being able to rise to the occasion, of being productive and efficient and an underlying fear of losing the job. The principles and values that we bring lay the foundation on which we want our careers and profession to stand solidly. Many of us want our work to not only give as material satisfaction, but also a place where we can experience, embody and express our purest self…our real ‘I’.

Some principles that could help make your workplace more fulfilling are:

Empathy: Listening to your colleagues and others at the workplace with an open mind and elephant ears takes one a long way. This skill has come through the practice of meditation. Through meditation one can learn to silence the chattering of the mind and allow easy access to the inner voice.

Respect and Trust: We all want others to respect as well as trust us. If these two seemingly simple qualities can be imbibed at workplace, half the workload of Human Resources personnel’s will be taken care of. Trust is the cornerstone of authentic communication. When there is respect for each other’s ideas, opinions and principles, a “safe space” is created in which people have the permission to talk about their truth without fear of reprisal.

Nurturing: The more you nurture your inner world, more magnificent the outer world is. How wonderful it will be if we all can nurture the expression of the self and the spirit in others as well as ourselves in our work place. We all should take responsibility to facilitate the discovery of spirit, to celebrate it, and to hold others accountable for their expression of it. We all can become leaders in our own right and can support our colleagues, subordinates and bosses too in understanding that one of our key responsibilities as human being is to fully express our spirit, our life purpose, and our gifts.

Introspection: Last not the least is the quality of constant introspection. If we all can take time every day, even if it is for few minutes, to look at our thoughts, our actions, our decisions, we will find ourselves a better person. If we can look at all that we do from the lens of “Is it for the benefit of all”, we will be building a spiritual sanctuary at our work place.

Then working in a team is fun!