Surya Namaskar and its Significance

Surya Namaskar and its Significance, surya namaskar advantages, advantages of surya namaskar, significance of surya namaskar.

Surya-namaskar literally means sun salutations; its postures strengthen and lengthen, flex and extend many of the main muscles of the body while distributing the prana flow throughout the body.

The 12 odd postures are mainly comprise of Tadasana, Uttarasana, Plank pose, Chaturanga Dandasana, Salabhasana and Adho Mukha Svanasana

While practicing Surya-namaskar you tend to enlighten your balance and the flow of your breathe. While doing this you strengthen you musculature of upper thighs, lower thighs, lower back, belly region and arms. And also stimulate the stomach, spleen and liver regions.

It feels great to repeat this routine for five rounds or for 15 to 30 minutes. After and while the procedure you will feel the flow of energy within yourself. As you stand valiant and vibrant, your body is enlivened and mind is steadied!

Incorporating Surya-namaskar as your daily drill becomes an act of slow movement of your body that energizes your presence!

It is good to spiritually strengthen one besides being physically fit. Yoga is one such act that includes both the spiritual and physical fitness!

Yoga is the best way out many health-related issues of our times!

Stay Physically Fit!!
Stay Mentally Fit!!