Is Excessive Sweating embarrassing you??


Sweating is physiological process occurring in the body, it way of dissipating heat and also means by which certain toxic wastes are thrown out. Sweating in warm and humid conditions or after exercising is considered normal. Sweating occurring in unusual conditions, without any stimulus or even in cooler climates is considered hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating. It is usually linked to some medical conditions like menopause, anxiety or hyperthyroidism.

Sweating is embarrassing, it stains clothes and ruins the social interactions, and it may also have serious implications such as making it difficult to grip on things and may earn you the tag of ‘butter fingers’. Hyperhidrosis is mostly neurologic, endocrine, infectious and systemic diseases, most cases are the people who are apparently healthy and still suffer from hyperhidrosis. Systemic conditions associated are; heart diseases, cancer, stroke, hyperthyroidism, menopause, spinal cord injuries, lung diseases, Parkinsonism and certain anti-depressants.

Best way to tackle this to find out the trigger and have a judicious approach. Usage of anti-perspirants which contain aluminum or aluminum chloride, oral anti-cholinergic drugs reduce sweating and Botox-A has been approved by the FDA for treating excessive axillary sweating. The sweat gland can be destroyed by microwave energy or lasers, to reduce the sweating. As a last resort is thoracic sympathectomy these will cut off the stimulation of sweat glands, for sweating.

-Koya Satyasri