Enhance Abundance with the Merchant’s Stone-Citrine




It is mentioned in history and in many cultures that the unique crystal Citrine also known as the merchant's stone is considered a wealth stone. It is associated with the energy of money and abundance and placing it your home will increase abundance and prosperity.

The Citrine stone or crystal contains a solar quality of energy; where it is  traditionally considered a good healing crystal for the solar plexus/third chakra issues. It also helps in the vibrant flow of energy in and around one's body and strengthens the energy levels of a person. So apart from the home it is also beneficial for the body.

For the Stone to work it has to be placed in the money and abundance area which is the Southeast corner of your home. This is also the same in Feng Shui principles. You could keep the unpolished and extracted ore of Citrine or you could place the tumble stones as they are called in a simple bowl and bring beautiful energy of abundance and prosperity in to your homes.

This powerful crystal can be bought through private distributors and online also. But it is best to see and buy the crystal directly for better clarity and originality. The unpolished rock can be quite expensive and you can buy the smaller tumble stones which are equally potent.

A great way to benefit from the energy of citrine is to wear the crystal as jewelry. Because citrine works on the third chakra - self esteem and power issues - a long necklace with a citrine pendant can be an excellent piece of jewelry. You can also find a variety of citrine bracelets,  rings ,angels and now you also have citrine jewelry created by designers which are not only beautiful to wear but which boost your power and energies.

So start the Telugu New Year with Abundance and Prosperity!